
Images In Different Mirrors

You experience a haunting sense of emptiness all your life. In an attempt to fill this incompleteness you depend on people for your happiness. Thus the starting point is faulty. Merge with Atman, the Spirit within, and all differences vanish.

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Doctor, Love And Medicine

Man is a subjective being. If the patient loves the doctor, then water can function as medicine. And if the patient hates the doctor, then no medicine can help. Medicine will have to understand man’s subjectivity, his love, and will

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Balancing Work Life Wellness

There is no denying that we can do little to reduce the quantum of work but it is very much in our control to help our body to cope up with it and end up full of energy and vitality.

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Charaka, our Modern Life and Corruption

The root cause of the derangement of all is unrighteousness or adharma. That arises from misdeeds from a previous life or this life, but the source of both is pragya aparadha (intellectual error). [Unrighteousness is] … when the heads of

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Mind & Heart togeather define human nature

Rajas, Sattva and tamas are mixed up with one another. They are attached to one another, and likewise follow one another. It is very rare that a person is found to be entirely Sattvik, Rajasik or Tamasik. Don’t let the

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Detach yourself… to love

I have counseled 45,000 couples, and none of them were happy. And those who are happy, I adore them. Two wheels of the same chariot can go travel the road very pleasantly. It’s difficult for a single wheel to do

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Treasure of Bliss

Achara Rasayana includes being truthful, calm, free of anger, non-violent, charitable, simple, well-behaved, positive, self-controlled, unconceited, devoted to love and compassion, and having control over the senses. You not only are what you eat, but you act like what you

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Love you reap what you sow

In a small span of 5 years, Aranya had roped in a great achievements. Her beauty reflects in her family, who are doing great in their spheres. Despite facing health issues,  Aranya pulled up through the cancer, thanks to the

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Not doing Ayurveda anymore?

A patient recently sent me an email saying “I’m not doing Ayurveda anymore”. Such a statement reflects that the person has failed to understand the essence of this ancient system. For, Ayurveda envisages a vision for healthy being. Ayur means

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on