
Keep the Right Company

Nervousness is highly contagious and may also be caused by association with nervous, faultfinding, or otherwise disagreeable people. Nervousness Interferes with the Functioning of the Body and Mind. Nervousness appears to be a simple ailment, but in reality it is

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

ThetaHealing®: Integration of Science and Spirituality

ThetaHealing® is an energy healing modality that combines science and spirituality to identify and transform limiting beliefs, blocks, fears, programs, traumas of an individual, as also the root causes at emotional, mental, physical, genetic and spiritual levels. ThetaHealing® works by

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Values are the Pillars of Meaningful Life

In the ancient Indian system of education, the pupils were required to lead a life of strict discipline and austerity and had to observe strict code of moral conduct. The elements of character building were reflected in the daily activities

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Ayurveda for new generation

The Ayurveda has potential and capacity to play a game role in this area as the whole treatment is based on equilibrium of mind, body and soul as biomedicine is lacking any knowledge structures equivalent to Ayurveda’s tridosha and shad

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on