
Rasa : The Six Tastes

In Ayurveda, Rasa can mean feeling or emotion as well as taste. And each of the tastes can have a subtle emotional or mental effect on our awareness, as well as on our physical state. The knowledge of Rasa or

By Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha Posted on

Health and Disease

Ayurveda has given a complete definition of health that comprises the state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well being. The definition of health stated by the WHO is also inspired by the Ayurvedic concept of health.  Ayurveda states

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Qualities of Vaidacharyas

Charaka has given the definition of the authority (the physician) – those who are free from rajas and tamas and endowed with strength of penance and knowledge, and whose knowledge is impeccable, always above contradiction and universally true is past,

By Dr. Meeta Kotecha Posted on